Monday, December 20, 2010

Bath Time Body Paints

I think it is time for some fun (updates will have to wait;)

My kids love bath crayons, paints etc but they always leave a weird residue or don't always work as planned. So in a usual me sort of way I decided to make my own it was EASY,Cheap and Enjoy!

You will need:
Baby Soap (or whatever body wash you use for you little ones) I used a generic all over baby wash.
Corn Starch
Food Coloring
Measuring cup
Measuring Spoons
Small Containers (Baby food jars would be awesome for this) I got little plastic containers at the dollar store!

I mixed my colors batch by batch it seemed to work well :)

Mix in measuring cup:
1/4 cup baby soap
2 TBS Corn Starch
1/2 TBS Warm Water
4-5 drops of food color

Mix well and poor into containers THAT'S IT!

We used a paint brush to paint ourselves and the bath it didn't seem to stain and washed right off I did read vinegar will remove it from your bath IF it does stain(I would assume you would have to leave it on there for a while)

The kids loved this stuff!